Dairy Diary

Looking for answers to the burning questions facing dairy? We are udderly devoted to the space and the hard working folks involved.

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Facts about 5 breeds of cattle

Cows come in many shapes and sizes, and breeds! The number of recognized cattle breeds varies, but it is estimated that there are over 250 different types of cows worldwide. There are Holsteins, Jerseys, the Brown cow who makes chocolate milk (we all wish that was true), and more.

Each breed has different benefits due to its genetic makeup, which allows them to have different purposes like dairy, work, or meat. Different species of cows are fit for certain climates, so the location of the cow and breed are just some of the things to consider when picking a herd.

Here are a few facts about different cow breeds.

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Highlights from World Dairy Expo 2022

If you want to know anything about dairy or cows, World Dairy Expo is the place to be. Hosted in Madison, Wisconsin from October 2 to 7, the expo was filled with show cows' along with new and emerging dairy technologies.

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Protecting European Cheese Heritage

Europe is known for its museums, history, and great food! Some of the most popular cheeses have come out of Europe, and they pride themselves on that because it ain’t easy being that cheesy. 

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